- A.I.M. Robot Dispenser
- AIM Space Corps Zero Gravity Boots
- Abandoned Subway
- Act I
- Act II
- Act III
- Act IV
- Active Skills
- Adrenal Formula
- Agent Coulson (Team Up)
- Always Angry
- Amulet of Agamotto
- Amulet of Quiox
- Anger Management System
- Apprehendroid Array
- Armor of Invincibility
- Armors
- Artifacts
- Asgardian Runestone
- Atlantean Jewel
- Attributes
- Aunt May's Cane
- Avengers History
- Avengers Insignia
- Avengers Tower
- Badoon Soldier's "The Basic Weapon"
- Bajillion Entertainment
- Balanced Reinforced Stilletos
- Bands of Cytorrak
- Bannertech Accelerator
- Bannertech Adrenalizer
- Batroc Medal
- Beta Particle Mini-Reactor
- Beta Ray Bill (Team Up)
- Beta Ray wade Armor
- Black Cat
- Black Cat's Grappling Hook
- Black Cat Medal
- Black Panther
- Black Widow
- Blades of the Beast
- Blessed Belt of the Panther God
- Blinding Brazier of Balthakk
- Blob
- Blob and Toad Medal
- Blood Rose Nightclub
- Bloodstone Eagle
- Bloodstone Eel
- Bloodstone Jaguar
- Bloodstone Lion
- Bloodstone Mammoth
- Bloodstone Panther
- Bloodstone Porcupine
- Bloodstone Raptor
- Bloodstone totem
- Bone claws
- Boondockers
- Boots of the coal tiger
- Bovine Sector Medallion
- Brotherhood of Evil Mutants Cape
- Bullseye
- Bullseye Medal
- Cable
- Cape of the Stormcrafter
- Captain America
- Captain Commando
- Captain Marvel
- Cerebro Remote Interface
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chase Costumes
- Chthonic Idol
- Chuck's uzis
- Circlet of Cyttorak
- Clan Rebelion Body suit
- Clea
- Cleaning Up the Kitchen
- Closed Beta Build 1.0.2447.0
- Closed Beta Build 1.0.2470.0
- Closed Beta Build
- Colossus
- Combat
- Consumables
- Cores
- Corruption in Blue
- Cosmic Cube
- Cosmic Key
- Courage of Colossus
- Crafter Summon
- Crafting
- Crimson Crystal of Cyttorak
- Crumbling Brownstone
- Crystal of Kadavus
- Cube Shard
- Cybernetic Implant
- Cyclops
- D.O.O.M.H.E.R.B.I.E.
- Daddy deadpool device
- Daredevil
- Dark X-Men Jacket
- Darkhold Scroll
- Davy Crockett Nuclear Device
- Deadpool
- Deathstalker Treads
- Defender's Black Coat
- Dept. K Tactical Vest
- Doctor Doom
- Doctor Doom Medal
- Doctor Octopus
- Doctor Octopus Medal
- Doctor Strange
- Domino
- Domino (Team Up)
- Drax (Team Up)
- Drop Leg Holster Rig
- Dynamic Serum
- Dynasty of the Rasputins
- Ebony blade
- Edge of Infinity
- Eidolon Warwear
- Electro
- Electro Medal
- Elektra
- Elektra (playable character)
- Elektra Medal
- Embers of Balthakk
- Emma Frost
- Equipment
- Eternity Splinter
- Events
- Everett's Grocery
- Experience Boost
- Experiment Q-36
- Experimental Overcharged Repulsors
- Extremis Serum B
- Eye of Agamotto
- Eye of the Eggbreaker
- Facet of the Uni-Power
- Fairy Tale Swashbuckler's Boots
- Falcon (Team Up)
- Fantastic Force Field
- Fantastic Four Insignia
- Fearsome Fist of Farallah
- Finish the Job
- Finishing the Job
- Firestar (Team Up)
- Flames of Zarathos
- Flames of the Faltine
- Flask of Might
- Fog of Wundagore
- Forgotten Station
- Fortune Card
- Founders Program
- Founders program premium packs
- Founders program starter packs
- Frightful Four Hood
- Future Foundation Pants
- Gambit
- Gamora (Team Up)
- Gear
- Generation Next's Bandana
- Genoshan Royal Slippers
- Ghost Rider
- Gloves of Infinite Entropy
- Gloves of the siberian winter
- Golden Apples of Idunn
- Gorgon
- Gorgon Medal
- Graviton Generator
- Grayvisions changelog
- Great White Shark
- Green Goblin
- Green Goblin Medal
- Grim Reaper
- Grim Reaper Medal
- Groot (Team Up)
- Guardians Insignia
- H.A.M.M.E.R. Ordinance
- H.E.R.B.I.E.
- Havok (Team Up)
- Hawkeye
- Healing Balm
- Hell's Kitchen: Crumbling Brownstone
- Hell's Kitchen Police Station
- Hellfang of Zarathos
- Hellfire Ammunition
- Helm of The Skyfater
- Heroes
- Heroic Headband for Hire
- Horizon Labs Web-Shooters
- Hornhead's Handy Clubs
- Hulk
- Hulk Medal
- Human Torch
- Hydra Repulsor Boots
- Hyper viper beam
- Idol of Khonshu
- Immortal Spirit of kirby
- Infinity Formula
- Invaders Photograph
- Invisible Woman
- Iron Buddy
- Iron Man
- Ivory Idol of Ikonn
- Jean Grey
- Jewel of Yggdrasil
- Juggernaut
- Juggernaut (Villain)
- Juggernaut Medal
- Ka-Zar's Pendant
- Katanas of Gratuitous Violence
- Kimoyo Card Eyepiece
- King Thor (Team Up)
- Kingpin
- Kingpin Medal
- Kingpins Warehouse
- Kirigi Medal
- Kitty's Favorite Shirt
- Knives of Zawavari
- Korshun Advanced Combat Knife
- Kraven Medal
- Kree Hyper-Optics
- Kung Fu Training Sequence
- Kurse
- Kurse Medal
- Lady Deathstrike
- Lady Deathstrike Medal
- Latverian Regalia
- Legendary Items
- Limbo
- List of craftable affixes
- Live Build
- Live Build
- Live Build
- Live Build
- Live Build
- Live Build
- Live Build
- Live Build
- Live Build
- Live Build
- Live Build
- Live Build
- Live Build
- Live Build
- Live Build 2.04
- Living Laser
- Living Laser Medal
- Lizard Medal
- Locket of the lords Cardinal
- Loki
- Loki Medal
- Love of Ciara the Oldstrong
- Luke's Badass Boots
- Luke Cage
- M.O.D.O.K.
- M.O.D.O.K. Medal
- Madame Hydra
- Madame Hydra Medal
- Magic Satchel of Unlimited Weaponry
- Magik (Team Up)
- Magneto
- Magneto Medal
- Maht's Arrowhead
- Malekith
- Malekith Medal
- Man-Ape Medal
- Mandarin
- Mandarin Medal
- Marauder Boots
- Mark of Odinborn
- Mark of the Nexus Being
- Mark of the Odinborn
- Marvel Heroes Wiki
- Mask of Doom
- Matrix of Unbinding
- Matt Murdock's "I'm Not Daredevil" Sweater
- Medals
- Mega-Sentinel Medal
- Metasensory Array
- Mighty Cage Buckle
- Mighty Fists of the Juggernaut
- Mindless Titan Medal
- Mister Sinister
- Mists of K'un Lun
- Mobs
- Mole Man
- Mole Man Medal
- Moon Knight
- Moonstone Shard
- Mr. Fantastic
- Mr. Hyde Medal
- Mr. Sinister Medal
- Mysterious Old Video
- News
- Nightclub District
- Nightcrawler
- Nisanti Cloak Of Invisibilty
- Nisanti Cloak of Invisibilty
- Nova
- Oculus Oroboros
- Old Lace
- Old Painless
- Parker Industries Advanced Web Shooters
- Passive Skills
- Patch Notes
- Patches
- Phoenix Feather
- Phoenix Force Visor
- Plandamium Graft
- Plandanium Graft
- Poison on the Streets
- Power Prism Shard
- Prologue
- Psylocke
- Punisher
- Punk Rock Leather Go-Go Boots
- Purification Crusade
- Pursuing the Hood
- Pym Growth Serum
- Pym Shrinking Serum
- Pyro
- Pyro Medal
- Raiden-Tech S.H.I.E.L.D. Prototype Armor
- Random's Protoplasm
- Raptor Stone
- Rarity Boost
- Reactive Repulsor
- Relic of Asgard
- Relic of Atlantis
- Relic of Attilan
- Relic of Chandilar
- Relic of Chthon
- Relic of Gibborim
- Relic of Kakaranathara
- Relic of Lemuria
- Relic of Skrullos
- Relic of Subterranea
- Relic of Wakanda
- Relic of Xandar
- Relic of the Snakeroot Clan
- Relics
- Repel Brood Scouts
- Repulsor Field
- Retcon Device